When you're in business of any kind or taking on a position of leadership, one thing you do not want to do is to have no enthusiasm about what you're doing or speaking on. If people cannot tell that you are excited about what you do or have; then they will not be excited about it either. If you really think about it, enthusiasm is excitement and that is a major emotion. And we all know people buy off of the waves of emotion. So a wise person will learn how to incorporate enthusiasm into the presentation of their business or face utter defeat.
How do you insert excitement about what you're doing and what you have? The best way to do this is to go into an industry that you are already giddy and excited about. If the industry does not get you blood going, you probably should keep surfing until you find something that does. The same thing when it comes to your MLM business. If you not are super excited about the products or services, then it will be a challenge to get other people super excited about your products or services. Now even when you are super excited about your products and services, you may have the personality of a brick. This will make it difficult for you to express enthusiasm even though you are really excited it.
Then we have the calm, cool, and collected people who cannot put on a suit full of question marks and parade around town high off of a street drug or a highly nutritional energizing beverage telling people how they can collect free money. If either one of these are you, it becomes essential to learn how to use a calm-intensity in your personality. The way to utilize calm-intensity is like James Bond does in the movies. He always remains calm, yet the situations and how he presents them have the intensity.
One of the best things you can do when you are talking about your business or products or services is to always do so with a smile on your face. When two people are in love and they are in the honeymoon stages of the relationship; watch them when they speak of each other to other people. First thing you'll notice is a dreamy-smile come over their face. They don't have to be all giddy and goofy, but you can tell they are genuinely happy about their spouse. This is the same thing you have to do when talking about your products or services. A sincere smile gives it a positive light and people will always associate your product with a positive subconscious light.
The second thing you can do is to be very clear when you speak about your products or services. Speak clear, speak loud, know your product or service, and be very detailed. Smiling and being clear exudes confidence and at the end of the day prospects for your products, services, and opportunity are looking for confident people who can lead them to a desired outcome. The outcome could be a lower phone bill, better health, more energy, better credit, or more money; they need to know that you can help them do this. The best way to show people this confidence is to show enthusiasm every time you are dealing with your products.




تاريخ : سه شنبه 25 آذر 1393 | 9:39 | نویسنده : lessar |
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